....but not in a good way.
I realized something today, a possible way to describe my current state of...stateness.
It came to me when I was thinking about how I can no longer smoke pot. I was thinking, wondering more like, why I have these massive panic attacks, all of a sudden, at 33 years of age when I do something I've done since I was 14. And I thought "well it's because everything is in such disarray". And then I thought, "but it isn't."
Things aren't, I am.
I feel like when I asked for so much change, and it was delivered, it was almost as if I'd been taken out of it. I'd been picked up, pulled up, way up, and left dangling while all the while below me things moved, and changed. Shifted, changed positions, got thrown out, given away. And when it all settled so that dust could find it's home, I was forgotten up there and so have been left to watch from above.
After this realization I found myself at the grocery store, for what, I'd forgotten. It was as though I couldn't see. I grabbed a buggy and worked my way around not seeing anything, not thinking anything, feeling cold and hot and blurry.
On the way home I thought it so strange that in the past, when my life had been so out of control, so insane and frazzled, I felt so much more in control. Perhaps not on the outside, when I would turn to this blog and express loneliness, despair, stupidity, but inside I understood it. I got it. I could handle it, I was used to it, it was me. And now things are where anyone would want them to be and I feel completely helpless. I feel like I'm not even participating in it.
I can not get my feet on the ground. It is like I am hanging, not too far up because I can still participate in enough things that no one notices, but I am floating. There are strings holding me, protecting me perhaps, but there is nothing really secure. There is no comfort, no safety, I push my toes as hard as I can, swing my legs, stretch my feet but no matter what I just can not touch. It's like at moments I feel safe with the strings that keep me suspended and so I do not fight, and maybe when I smoke the pot the panic comes from realizing I am up there all alone hanging only by strings. My soul in the clouds and my feet can't touch the ground.